We are all working to create a community where everyone can make ends meet, live with dignity, and have a voice in the decisions that impact us. Today, the out-of-town owners of Ridge Breeze Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) are threatening that future with plans to more than double the 2000 head operation in Salem Township without time for a common sense, community impact assessment, and without regard to the risk and fallout already felt by their neighbors.

Sign the Petition to Support a 12-Month CAFO Moratorium, and join with Pierce County Residents like Samantha Bowen who lives just down the road from Ridge Breeze. “My children have been ill from our well water,” she tells neighbors, “At times, the air at our home is unbreathable. I love our family farm. I love our way of life and the CAFO is robbing us of our quality of life. Having the CAFO expand further is unthinkable.”

Join folks like Troy Gansluckner, a long-time member of the community and farmer of 20 years. Reflecting on how farming and community interact, Troy reminds us that “business isn’t just business when it’s your neighbor’s homes and families.” The impact of CAFO expansion goes beyond just the environmental and health concerns; it also affects the very fabric of our community and the relationships between our neighbors.

That’s why Samantha, Troy, and the other members of the newly formed People Protecting Pierce Campaign are asking you to support the twelve-month moratorium on CAFO expansions in Pierce County. Join the nearly 650 of our neighbors who’ve already signed the petition online and in person to tell the Pierce County Board that our families need them to gather more information about the impact of CAFOs on our community to protect those of us who really live and work here.

When we stand together, we can put our families and communities before corporate greed. By signing the petition, you send a powerful message to our local officials that we care about our community and want to protect it for future generations. You can make a difference right now in the lives of families like Sam’s and Troy’s and usher in a brighter future for us all.

Please take a moment to sign the petition. Then make a list of 5 friends or family members and share it with them. Let’s reach our goal of 1000 signatures! Together, we are powerful.


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