Over the last several months, our leaders in Salem Township have been working to protect their families, environment and community, by petitioning the county board to pass a 12-month moratorium in Pierce County, collecting petition signatures, attending public meetings, and reaching out to community partners who will be impacted.
Last week, we learned that Breeze Dairy submitted an application to the DNR for a new manure storage structure. According to the project manual submitted by the company, the new structure will hold almost 8 million gallons of manure, increasing the capacity of its existing storage structures by 150%.
While this application is not for herd expansion, it continues the momentum the company is building to nearly double the number of livestock in this facility in the near future as we suspected.
We will continue to work, now with even more urgency, towards a 12-month moratorium that will hit the pause button on CAFO expansions in Pierce County. We feel more time is needed to gather information and community input before corporate dairy facilities grow so large they damage our families, homes, water, and local economies.
Pierce County Land Conservation Committee Meeting
Local people should control our community’s future. Come to voice your support for a moratorium on factory farm expansions in Pierce County. At this meeting, the Pierce County Land Conservation Committee will be discussing the proposed moratorium.
Tuesday, June 27th at 8:30 AM at the Pierce County Courthouse in the County Board Meeting Room
“Right to Harm” Film Showing
Our air, water, and soil are all precious resources that help us live healthily. Large factory farms recklessly expanding their operations in the name of profit harm the communities they are in. Learn more about how harmful a CAFO facility can be to a community.
“Through the riveting stories of five rural communities, RIGHT TO HARM exposes the devastating public health impact factory farming has on many disadvantaged citizens throughout the United States.” Come watch the film, discuss it, and hear from people affected by these large factory farms right in Pierce County.
River Falls Screening – July 11, 6:30-8:30 PM at the River Falls Library
Spring Valley Screening – July 12, 6:00-8:00 PM at the Spring Valley Library
Take Action
Our homes are places we want to feel safe and healthy in. With Breeze Dairy preparing to expand its herd, it is more important than ever to show how much support a 12-month Moratorium has in Pierce County. Let us work to protect our homes.
Make sure every voice is heard – share the petition with family, friends, and neighbors.
Interested in learning more about how we can take action? Connect with an organizer:
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