Pierce County residents should have a say in the future of our community. Whether you’ve lived in Pierce County for a few seasons for a few generations; whether you’re a farmer, teacher, or stay-at-home parent; all of us want a bright and safe future here for our families and neighbors. But outside corporations like the Ridge Breeze Dairy CAFO want to expand their operations in our community without our input. With an expansion this big, the waste runoff would interfere with our families’ health, properties, resources, and way of life. We have the opportunity to let our voices be heard at the upcoming Pierce County Land Conservation Committee Meeting.

Supporting a 12-Month Moratorium

The most direct way to stop the expansion of the Ridge Breeze Dairy facility in Pierce County is to request that the Land Conservation Committee enacts a 12-month moratorium on CAFO expansion, as well as effective operating ordinances and bonding policies to manage current and future CAFOs. The moratorium will stop any expansion for the next year, providing time for these policies to be put into place. Ordinances would be intended to manage CAFO-related waste storage, pollution including spill, township/county roads, and area wells/water availability and quality. To learn more and sign the petition, go here.

Why Pierce County Needs the Moratorium

People in Pierce County deserve to be safe and healthy in our homes. CAFOs have been linked to public health concerns such as respiratory issues, bacterial infections, and waterborne illnesses. An expansion in the current herd size will increase the risk of these health concerns for nearby residents. The expansion would also strip Pierce County Residents of our generational investments and wealth. The presence of a mega CAFO will negatively impact local property values, making it harder for nearby residents to sell their homes or business leading to long-term economic damage to the entire community. Pierce County is beautiful, and we want it to stay that way. CAFOs produce a large amount of waste that can pollute the air, water, and soil. An expansion from 2000 to 5000 heads will result in a significant increase in waste production, which could have a detrimental impact on the environment.

Attend the Pierce County Land Conservation Committee Meeting

Our elected leaders have a responsibility to listen to us and take action. On June 27th, the Pierce County Land Conservation Committee will meet to discuss the proposed moratorium. Come voice your support for a moratorium on factory farm expansions in Pierce County. Together, we can protect Pierce County!


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