Planetary Health: A New Story Begins!

Planetary Health: A New Story Begins!
Thursday, January 21 from 1:30 to 2:30 PM

As COVID-19 vaccines become more and more available, humans have a choice. Will we return to old habits that threaten our survival, or will we begin a new story, one that promotes health and well-being for all people and the planet?

To change everything, will require everyone. No field or discipline can be excluded. No group or demographic can be marginalized. It is a high-stakes moment but also a moment of great hope and potential. Let the new story begin!

Teddie M. Potter, PhD, RN, FAAN is a Clinical Professor with the University of Minnesota School of Nursing, Chair of Clinicians for Planetary Health (C4PH), and a member of the Steering Committee of the Planetary Health Alliance at Harvard.

Dr. Potter has said, “This is an all-hands-on-deck moment” and welcomes all who would like to watch the presentation.

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