Tell the Joint Finance Committee (JFC) to Support the People’s Maps language in the Budget

What is in the redistricting language in the budget?

“The Governor recommends the Legislature be required to take up the redistricting maps proposed by the People’s Maps Commission. The Governor further recommends that all legislative records on redistricting be retained for ten years and that all legislative meetings on redistricting comply with open meetings requirements.”

Note: The budget contains this language but no funds against it.

See the full Budget. Redistricting language is on page 397.

Suggested comments for all issues in the budget

“I wouldn’t need to come before you today to beg for funding to address [insert your top issue] if the State Legislature was not so gerrymandered and representatives were accountable to the people of Wisconsin. End partisan gerrymandering! Take up The People’s Maps!”

Speakers will get just 2 minutes to speak, so we recommend you: 

  • start with your ask (what change you most want in the state budget), 
  • tell your story (make it memorable! Share what change really means to community), and 
  • make it local. 

Close with a reminder that you also support fair maps and a budget that reflects the will of the people. Connecting our testimony with common threads like this is one easy way we can avoid the “divide and conquer” politics that often pits us against each other in budget battles.

How to reach the JFC?

Go to the JFC Public Comment Website to submit written comment. Click on Public Hearings tab for all the details regarding the hearings:

Thursday, April 22, UW Stout
Wednesday, April 28, Virtual

Thank you! Your efforts strengthen our democracy!


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