Voicemail Scripts in Support of Fair Maps Bill

Script for Urging State Legislative Committee Chairs to Support the Fair Maps Bill

“Hello. I strongly encourage Senator Stroebel, as chair of the Senate Committee on Government Operations, Legal Review and Consumer Protection, to hold a public hearing on LRB 21-0756, a bill to ban gerrymandering and bring nonpartisan and transparent districting to Wisconsin. Citizens and experts in the field from around the state should have opportunities to voice their views on how voting districts are drawn. As chair, the Senator has the power and authority to make this happen.”

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“Hello. I strongly encourage Representative Brandtjen, as chair of the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections, to hold a public hearing on LRB 21-0756, a bill to ban gerrymandering and bring nonpartisan and transparent districting to Wisconsin. Citizens and experts in the field from around the state should have opportunities to voice their views on how voting districts are drawn. As chair, Rep. Brandtjen has the power and authority to make this happen.”

Script for Urging Your State Senator/Representative to Support the Fair Maps Bill

“Hello, This is [your name] from [your town in Wisconsin].  I’m calling because I care about having fair, nonpartisan voting districts in Wisconsin.  I want to see an end to gerrymandering.  Please add your name to the list of supporters of the Smith/Andraca Fair Maps Bill.

Gerrymandering wastes votes, costs us money, and it hurts Wisconsin.  56 county boards—representing more than 83% of the state’s population—have passed resolutions urging the state legislature to ban gerrymandering in Wisconsin and give us independent, nonpartisan districting. In addition, 53 communities have successfully passed county or municipal referendums asking for a nonpartisan procedure for the preparation of legislative and congressional districting plans.

It’s time for our legislators to listen to the people they represent. It’s time for this important reform. Give your support to the Fair Maps Bill.

Thank you.”


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