Next WWNVD Meeting – Maps Status and What’s Next for 2022 A lot is changing this month! If you have […]
US Supreme Court Issues Decision on Wisconsin Maps Wednesday, March 23 – The US Supreme Court decides to throw our […]
Fairer Maps, Not Fair Maps By Irene Bugge On March 3, the Wisconsin Supreme Court adopted the redistricting maps submitted […]
New Fairer Maps On October 28 of last year, more than 200 people testified against the maps the Legislature was […]
Fairness, Least Change and Gerrylaundering By Annemarie McClellan I served with eight other Wisconsinites on the Peopleā€™s Map Commission. Governor […]
2/3/2022: WWNVD Meeting Resources Thank you to everyone who joined us for the WWNVD meeting! If you’d like to join […]
Fair Maps Activist Virtual Training As we move forward with the fight to end gerrymandering in Wisconsin, we want to […]
Refuse to be Left Out in the Cold By Doug Margolis On a frigid Friday lunch hour last week citizens […]
Mapped Out Episode 7 Our favorite podcast, “Mapped Out” has another episode! After the decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court, […]
Wisconsin State Journal reports: State Supreme Court sides with GOP proposal for ‘least-change’ approach to redistricting “In a 4-3 ruling […]
Evers Vetoes Wisconsin Redistricting Maps – Seehafer News ā€œEach person gets a vote and each vote counts the same, and […]
Retired Math Professor Gives a Bad Grade to the GOP’s Maps By: Maureen Ash Don Leake is a retired math […]
Speaker Robin Vos Agrees with Us For more information, check out our project to end gerrymandering. If you’d like to […]
Here & Now Summarizes Fair Maps On the September 24, 2021 episode of Here & Now on PBS, reporter Zac […]
Sound the Alarm for Fair Maps Hey folks! Thank you for the continued support for PCGRO and our efforts to […]
Federal court allows redistricting case brought by Democrats to move forward This past week, the federal courts agreed to move […]
Fair Maps Update By: Irene Bugge Polk County became a hub of activism for fair maps in 2021. This spring […]
Lawsuit challenges Wisconsin’s political maps a day afer release of 2020 Census data Now that the Census data for this […]
New Census Data Released The official beginning of the redistricting process has come. On Thursday, August 12, the 2020 Census […]
ā€œMappyā€ Hour at Trap Rock Brewing Company By: Irene Bugge Want to have some fun and help the Peopleā€™s Maps […]
Thank you for coming to Mappy Hours! (and more actions you can take to share your maps and end gerrymandering […]
The Wisconsin People’s Maps Commission announced a new Public Input Portal The Wisconsin Peopleā€™s Maps Commission (PMC) announced a new […]
How to Contact Representatives about Fair Maps Bill I spoke up for fair government by emailing Senator Bradley ( on […]
Time to Contact Your Representatives Bills to create a non-partisan redistricting commission for Wisconsin have been introduced: SB389 in the […]
Zoom Mappy Hours June! Join us on Zoom to create a new map and submit it to the People’s Map […]
“The Gerrymandered State” Podcast Stay up to date on new developments in redistricting in WI by subscribing to “The Gerrymandered […]
People’s Maps Commission Online Public Hearing – 7th Congressional District, Jan. 28, 2021 As we head into the summer, We […]
Fight for fair legislative maps continues with a rally in Madison Hundreds gathered in Madison on Monday to promote Fair […]
Effects of gerrymandering felt in Wisconsin as governor, GOP clash over Covid restrictions – January throwback Fixing gerrymandering has never […]
How Gerrymandered Are We? Like getting into the weeds on gerrymandering? How gerrymandered are we? Check out this Op Ed […]
Color Me Fair Map Contest Western Wisconsin for Nonpartisan Voting Districts announces the WI Assembly Map Drawing Contest as a […]
Dane County judge voids GOP contracts with law firms for redistricting Unlike 10 years ago when we, the WI taxpayers, […]
Re: Maps and Sunshine SEND to your legislators. SHARE so friends do the same. JOIN the movement. Find your legislator […]
Vote YES for Fair Maps April 6th, 2021 we have another chance to support Nonpartisan Redistricting in Wisconsin. This is […]
The People’s Maps Commission – End of Phase One In under 6 months, the People’s Maps Commission participated in 20+ […]
Map Madness! As a warm up for the big district map making later this year (once we have the census […]
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