Thanks for Coming to the Ellsworth Community Meeting Thank you to all those who attended the Ellsworth Community Meeting! This […]
Update: Broadband Expansion Task Force On June 8th, three members of the Pierce County Broadband Task Force held a planning […]
PCGRO Stories – Jessica If you have been following us for a while, you may recognize Jessica Rein. A lively […]
Bridge The Divide – June Monthly Meeting We are moving forward with our democracy work. Our new project is known […]
Learning To Connect Talking with the people of Pierce County and the surrounding communities is an essential part of the […]
No Mow May! As we slowly creep up on the spring weather, we encourage you to learn more about and […]
Next WWNVD Meeting – Maps Status and What’s Next for 2022 A lot is changing this month! If you have […]
On a mission to promote broadband expansion – Pierce County Journal In case you missed the front page feature of […]
Financial Help for Homeowners Are you a homeowner in Wisconsin who has been financially impacted since January 21, 2020? You […]
Fairness, Least Change and Gerrylaundering By Annemarie McClellan I served with eight other Wisconsinites on the Peopleā€™s Map Commission. Governor […]
2/3/2022: WWNVD Meeting Resources Thank you to everyone who joined us for the WWNVD meeting! If you’d like to join […]
PCGRO Environment/Climate Project Survey Last summer, you let us know at Ice Cream Socials that the Environment and Climate Change […]
Refuse to be Left Out in the Cold By Doug Margolis On a frigid Friday lunch hour last week citizens […]
Rally for Fair Courts and Fair Maps Join us in showing the Wisconsin Supreme Court that we are paying attention! […]
Multi-Partisan Fresh Air By Doug Margolis, Edited by Michael Stearney and Dave Fodroczi Dear Editor, Regarding redistricting, I want to […]
Broadband access is coming There has been a continuous effort to expand broadband internet access in Wisconsin in the past […]
Area Voices Among “Concerned Voters of Wisconsin” who file Friend of the Court Brief in Redistricting Case with the Wisconsin […]
Become a Friend of Fair Maps! Become a Friend of Fair Maps.On Christmas Eve, voters from all 33 senate districts […]
PCGRO is hiring for two new positions!
WestCAP Rent and Utilities Assistance More than 200,000 Wisconsin households are expected to get help with energy bills through the […]
The Wisconsin Farmer's Union offers a workshop explaining how to begin running for office
WIS Politics Recognizes work by WIMAP WIS Politics took a moment to recognize the hard work that WIMAP did to […]
Retired Math Professor Gives a Bad Grade to the GOP’s Maps By: Maureen Ash Don Leake is a retired math […]
October 28th Maps Hearing On Thursday, October 28th, a group of citizens from Western Wisconsin went down to Madison to […]
Hearing on the GOP’s Rigged Maps Scheduled for Thursday, October 28th Come along and join us at the State Capitol […]
North Shore Fair Maps’: Gerrymandering 101 Want to learn more about Gerrymandering? Join us for North Shore Fair Maps’ Gerrymandering […]
Speaker Robin Vos Agrees with Us For more information, check out our project to end gerrymandering. If you’d like to […]
WPR: Mapped Out Episodes 1 & 2 A while ago, we introduced you to the Mapped Out podcast. This podcast […]
Sound the Alarm for Fair Maps Hey folks! Thank you for the continued support for PCGRO and our efforts to […]
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