This New Year’s Resolution

As the holiday season unfolds and December gives way to the New Year, we reflect on our lives and make resolutions for the coming year. Traditionally, we look inward and explore how we can bring our lives closer to our ideals in the coming year. Many resolve to lose weight, exercise more, and budget better in the New Year. Maybe this year we should resolve to be kinder, more respectful, and better citizens.

In Wisconsin, our legislative maps are in the 10-year process of being redrawn. Most voters believe legislative districts should be drawn fairly and not benefit one political party over the other. Our elections – and ultimately our democracy – depends on legislative maps to fairly represent all of the people in our great state.

Recently, the Wisconsin State Supreme Court took a position that is unlikely to result in fair maps. We need to make our voices heard and demand fair maps.

The pandemic has made get-togethers with friends and family more precious than ever. Take time during this “season of hope” to share your thoughts about how fairly drawn legislative maps are critical to fair representation. We simply can’t take our democracy for granted.


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